Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Joe - Whether?

I thought I'd help kick off the blog by reposting my "Weather" photos.

The first is a rapidly moving storm front in the Colorado Rockies along I-70 that Michelle and I stopped to shoot at a turnoff. The storms move in extremely fast in the mountains and it's really exciting to watch. We got to view several snow storms in Rocky Mountain National park, unfortunately my pictures were really over exposed. This was taken with my Canon EOS Rebel G 35mm camera with a 35-80mm lens.

My second shot is on top of Flagstaff Summit in Boulder, CO. I got this great seasonal transition shot of some wildflowers blooming and some lingering snow. This was taken with my Canon Powershot A570IS compact digital.

My third picture is a perspective shot of more snow alongside the bathrooms. Proof that good subject matter can be found in traditionally unbecoming places!! Taken again with my Canon EOS 35mm.


  1. Great shots Joe. The second one is a great picture of the exiting of one season for the beginning of another, living color against the bland winter. You guys picked a great looking time to go out there and captured it here. Nice.

  2. These are good! Don't care much for the snow, but.... ;)
